8种顶级Python机器学习算法-你必须学习 8 Python机器学习算法 - 你必须学习
1。线性回归 线性回归是受监督的Python机器学习算法之一,它可以观察连续特征并预测结果。根据它是在单个变量上还是在许多特征上运行,我们可以将其称为简单线性回归或多元线性回归。
这是最受欢迎的Python ML算法之一,经常被低估。它为变量分配最佳权重以创建线ax + b来预测输出。我们经常使用线性回归来估计实际值,例如基于连续变量的房屋调用和房屋成本。回归线是拟合Y = a * X + b的最佳线,表示独立变量和因变量之间的关系。
将matplotlib.pyplot导入为plt 将numpy导入为np 来自sklearn导入数据集,linear_model 来自sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error,r2_score 糖尿病=数据集。load_diabetes () diabetes_X = diabetes.data [ :,np.newaxis,2 ] diabetes_X_train = diabetes_X [ : - 30 ] #splitting数据到训练和测试集 diabetes_X_test = diabetes_X [ - 30 :] diabetes_y_train = diabetes.target [ : - 30 ] #splitting目标分为训练和测试集 diabetes_y_test = diabetes.target [ - 30 :] regr = linear_model。LinearRegression ()#线性回归对象 regr。fit (diabetes_X_train,diabetes_y_train )#Use training set训练模型 LinearRegression(copy_X = True,fit_intercept = True,n_jobs = 1,normalize = False)
diabetes_y_pred = regr。预测(diabetes_X_test )#Make预测 regr.coef_ 阵列([941.43097333])
mean_squared_error (diabetes_y_test,diabetes_y_pred ) 3035.0601152912695
r2_score (diabetes_y_test,diabetes_y_pred )#Variance得分 0.410920728135835
plt。散射(diabetes_X_test,diabetes_y_test,color = 'lavender' ) <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection对象位于0x0584FF70>
plt。情节(diabetes_X_test,diabetes_y_pred,color = 'pink' ,linewidth = 3 ) [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D对象位于0x0584FF30>]
plt。xticks (()) ([],<a 0 of text xticklabel objects>)
plt。yticks (()) ([],<a 0 of text yticklabel objects>)
plt。show () 8种顶级Python机器学习算法-你必须学习 Python机器学习算法 - 线性回归
2 Logistic回归 Logistic回归是一种受监督的分类Python机器学习算法,可用于估计离散值,如0/1,是/否和真/假。这是基于一组给定的自变量。我们使用逻辑函数来预测事件的概率,这给出了0到1之间的输出。
将numpy导入为np 将matplotlib.pyplot导入为plt 来自sklearn import linear_model XMIN,XMAX = - 7 ,7 #TEST集; 高斯噪声的直线 n_samples = 77 np.random。种子(0 ) x = np.random。正常(size = n_samples ) y = (x> 0 )。astype (np.float ) x [ x> 0 ] * = 3 x + =。4 * np.random。正常(size = n_samples ) x = x [ :,np.newaxis ] clf = linear_model。LogisticRegression (C = 1e4 )#Classifier clf。适合(x,y ) plt。图(1 ,figsize = (3 ,4 )) <图大小与300x400 0 轴>
plt。clf () plt。散射(X。拆纱()中,Y,颜色= '薰衣草' ,ZORDER = 17 ) <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection对象位于0x057B0E10>
x_test = np。linspace (- 7 ,7 ,277 ) def model (x ): 返回1 / (1个+ NP。EXP (-x ))
loss = model (x_test * clf.coef_ + clf.intercept_ )。拉威尔() plt。plot (x_test,loss,color = 'pink' ,linewidth = 2.5 ) [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D对象位于0x057BA090>]
ols = linear_model。LinearRegression () ols。适合(x,y ) LinearRegression(copy_X = True,fit_intercept = True,n_jobs = 1,normalize = False)
plt。plot (x_test,ols.coef_ * x_test + ols.intercept_,linewidth = 1 ) [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D对象位于0x057BA0B0>]
plt。axhline (。4 ,颜色= ” 0.4' ) <matplotlib.lines.Line2D对象位于0x05860E70>
plt。ylabel ('y' ) 文本(0,0.5, 'Y')
plt。xlabel ('x' ) 文本(0.5,0, 'X')
plt。xticks (范围(- 7 ,7 )) plt。yticks ([ 0 ,0.4 ,1 ] ) plt。ylim (- 。25 ,1.25 ) (-0.25,1.25)
plt。XLIM (- 4 ,10 ) (-4,10)
plt。图例(('Logistic回归' ,'线性回归' ),loc = '右下' ,fontsize = 'small' ) <matplotlib.legend.Legend对象位于0x057C89F0>
plt。show () 8种顶级Python机器学习算法-你必须学习 机器学习算法 - Logistic Regreesion
3。决策树 决策树属于受监督的Python机器学习学习,并且用于分类和回归 - 尽管主要用于分类。此模型接受一个实例,遍历树,并将重要特征与确定的条件语句进行比较。是下降到左子分支还是右分支取决于结果。通常,更重要的功能更接近根。
这种Python机器学习算法可以对分类和连续因变量起作用。在这里,我们将人口分成两个或更多个同类集。让我们看看这个算法 -
来自sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split 来自sklearn.tree导入DecisionTreeClassifier 来自sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score 来自sklearn.metrics import classification_report def importdata ():#Importing data balance_data = PD。read_csv ( '' + 'databases / balance-scale / balance-scale.data' , sep = ',' ,header = None ) print (len (balance_data )) print (balance_data.shape ) 打印(balance_data。头()) return balance_data
def splitdataset (balance_data ):# Splitting 数据 x = balance_data.values [ :,1 :5 ] y = balance_data.values [ :,0 ] x_train,x_test,y_train,y_test = train_test_split ( x,y,test_size = 0.3 ,random_state = 100 ) 返回x,y,x_train,x_test,y_train,y_test
def train_using_gini (x_train,x_test,y_train ):#gining with giniIndex clf_gini = DecisionTreeClassifier (criterion = “ gini ” , random_state = 100 ,max_depth = 3 ,min_samples_leaf = 5 ) clf_gini。适合(x_train,y_train ) 返回clf_gini
def train_using_entropy (x_train,x_test,y_train ):#Training with entropy clf_entropy = DecisionTreeClassifier ( criterion = “entropy” ,random_state = 100 , max_depth = 3 ,min_samples_leaf = 5 ) clf_entropy。适合(x_train,y_train ) 返回clf_entropy
def 预测(x_test,clf_object ):#制作预测 y_pred = clf_object。预测(x_test ) print (f “预测值:{y_pred}” ) 返回y_pred
def cal_accuracy (y_test,y_pred ):#计算准确性 print (confusion_matrix (y_test,y_pred )) 打印(accuracy_score (y_test,y_pred )* 100 ) print (classification_report (y_test,y_pred ))
data = importdata () 625
0 1 2 3 4
0 B 1 1 1 1
1 R 1 1 1 2
2 R 1 1 1 3
3 R 1 1 1 4
4 R 1 1 1 5
x,y,x_train,x_test,y_train,y_test = splitdataset (data ) clf_gini = train_using_gini (x_train,x_test,y_train ) clf_entropy = train_using_entropy (x_train,x_test,y_train ) y_pred_gini = 预测(x_test,clf_gini ) 8种顶级Python机器学习算法-你必须学习 Python机器学习算法 - 决策树
cal_accuracy (y_test,y_pred_gini ) [[0 6 7]
[0 67 18]
[0 19 71]]
8种顶级Python机器学习算法-你必须学习 Python机器学习算法 - 决策树
y_pred_entropy = 预测(x_test,clf_entropy ) 8种顶级Python机器学习算法-你必须学习 Python机器学习算法 - 决策树
cal_accuracy (y_test,y_pred_entropy ) [[0 6 7]
[0 63 22]
[0 20 70]]
8种顶级Python机器学习算法-你必须学习 Python机器学习算法 - 决策树
4。支持向量机(SVM) SVM是一种受监督的分类Python机器学习算法,它绘制了一条划分不同类别数据的线。在这个ML算法中,我们计算向量以优化线。这是为了确保每组中最近的点彼此相距最远。虽然你几乎总会发现这是一个线性向量,但它可能不是那样的。
来自sklearn.datasets.samples_generator import make_blobs x,y = make_blobs (n_samples = 500 ,centers = 2 , random_state = 0 ,cluster_std = 0 .40 )
将matplotlib.pyplot导入为plt plt。scatter (x [ :,0 ] ,x [ :,1 ] ,c = y,s = 50 ,cmap = 'plasma' ) 位于0x04E1BBF0的<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection对象>
plt。show () 8种顶级Python机器学习算法-你必须学习 Python机器学习算法 - SVM
将numpy导入为np xfit = np。linspace (- 1 ,3 0.5 ) plt。scatter (X [ :,0 ] ,X [ :,1 ] ,c = Y,s = 50 ,cmap = 'plasma' ) <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection对象位于0x07318C90>
为M,B,d在[ (1 ,0.65 ,0.33 ),(0.5 ,1.6 ,0.55 ),(- 0 0.2 ,2 0.9 ,0.2 )] : yfit = m * xfit + b PLT。情节(xfit,yfit,' - k' ) PLT。fill_between (xfit ,yfit - d,yfit + d,edgecolor = 'none' , color = '#AFFEDC' ,alpha = 0.4 ) [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D对象位于0x07318FF0>]
plt。XLIM (- 1 ,3.5 ) (-1,3.5)
plt。show () 8种顶级Python机器学习算法-你必须学习 Python机器学习算法 - SVM
5, 朴素贝叶斯 朴素贝叶斯是一种基于贝叶斯定理的分类方法。这假定预测变量之间的独立性。朴素贝叶斯分类器将假定类中的特征与任何其他特征无关。考虑一个水果。这是一个苹果,如果它是圆形,红色,直径2.5英寸。朴素贝叶斯分类器将说这些特征独立地促成果实成为苹果的概率。即使功能相互依赖,这也是如此。
来自sklearn.naive_bayes导入GaussianNB 来自sklearn.naive_bayes导入MultinomialNB 来自sklearn导入数据集 来自sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix 来自sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split iris =数据集。load_iris () x = iris.data y = iris.target x_train,x_test,y_train,y_test = train_test_split (x,y,test_size = 0 .3 ,random_state = 0 ) gnb = GaussianNB () MNB = MultinomialNB () y_pred_gnb = gnb。适合(x_train,y_train )。预测(x_test ) cnf_matrix_gnb = confusion_matrix (y_test,y_pred_gnb ) cnf_matrix_gnb 数组([[16,0,0],
[0,0,11]],dtype = int64)
y_pred_mnb = mnb。适合(x_train,y_train )。预测(x_test ) cnf_matrix_mnb = confusion_matrix (y_test,y_pred_mnb ) cnf_matrix_mnb 数组([[16,0,0],
[0,0,11]],dtype = int64)
6。kNN(k-Nearest Neighbors) 这是一种用于分类和回归的Python机器学习算法 - 主要用于分类。这是一种监督学习算法,它考虑不同的质心并使用通常的欧几里德函数来比较距离。然后,它分析结果并将每个点分类到组以优化它以放置所有最接近的点。它使用其邻居k的多数票对新案件进行分类。它分配给一个类的情况是其K个最近邻居中最常见的一个。为此,它使用距离函数。
来自sklearn.datasets import load_iris iris = load_iris () x = iris.data y = iris.target 来自sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression logreg = LogisticRegression () logreg。适合(x,y ) LogisticRegression(C = 1.0,class_weight = None,dual = False,fit_intercept = True,
intercept_scaling = 1,max_iter = 100,multi_class ='ovr',n_jobs = 1,
penalty ='l2',random_state = None,solver ='liblinear',tol = 0.0001,
verbose = 0,warm_start = False)
logreg。预测(x ) array([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
y_pred = logreg。预测(x ) len (y_pred ) 150
来自sklearn导入指标 指标。accuracy_score (y,y_pred ) 0.96
来自sklearn.neighbors导入KNeighborsClassifier knn = KNeighborsClassifier (n_neighbors = 5 ) knn。适合(x,y ) KNeighborsClassifier(algorithm ='auto',leaf_size = 30,metric ='minkowski',
metric_params =无,n_jobs = 1,n_neighbors = 5,p = 2,
y_pred = knn。预测(x ) 指标。accuracy_score (y,y_pred ) 0.9666666666666667
knn = KNeighborsClassifier (n_neighbors = 1 ) knn。适合(x,y ) KNeighborsClassifier(algorithm ='auto',leaf_size = 30,metric ='minkowski',
metric_params =无,n_jobs = 1,n_neighbors = 1,p = 2,
y_pred = knn。预测(x ) 指标。accuracy_score (y,y_pred ) 1.0
x.shape (150,4)
y.shape (150)
来自sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split x.shape (150,4)
y.shape (150)
来自sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split x_train,x_test,y_train,y_test = train_test_split (x,y,test_size = 0.4 ,random_state = 4 ) x_train.shape (90,4)
x_test.shape (60,4)
y_train.shape (90)
y_test.shape (60)
logreg = LogisticRegression () logreg。适合(x_train,y_train ) y_pred = knn。预测(x_test ) 指标。accuracy_score (y_test,y_pred ) 0.9666666666666667
knn = KNeighborsClassifier (n_neighbors = 5 ) knn。适合(x_train,y_train ) KNeighborsClassifier(algorithm ='auto',leaf_size = 30,metric ='minkowski',
metric_params =无,n_jobs = 1,n_neighbors = 5,p = 2,
y_pred = knn。预测(x_test ) 指标。accuracy_score (y_test,y_pred ) 0.9666666666666667
k_range = 范围(1 ,26 ) 得分= [ ] for k in k_range: knn = KNeighborsClassifier (n_neighbors = k ) KNN。适合(x_train,y_train ) y_pred = knn。预测(x_test ) 分数。追加(指标。accuracy_score (y_test,y_pred ))
分数 [0.95,0.95,0.9666666666666667,0.9666666666666667,0.9666666666666667,0.9833333333333333,0.9833333333333333,0.9833333333333333,0.9833333333333333,0.9833333333333333,0.9833333333333333,0.9833333333333333,0.9833333333333333,0.9833333333333333,0.9833333333333333,0.9833333333333333,0.9833333333333333,0.9666666666666667,0.9833333333333333,0.9666666666666667,0.9666666666666667,0.9666666666666667,0.9666666666666667 0.95,0.95 ]
将matplotlib.pyplot导入为plt plt。情节(k_range,分数) [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D对象位于0x05FDECD0>]
plt。xlabel ('k代表kNN' ) 文字(0.5,0,'k为kNN')
plt。ylabel ('测试准确度' ) 文字(0,0.5,'测试准确度')
plt。show () 8种顶级Python机器学习算法-你必须学习 Python机器学习算法 - kNN(k-Nearest Neighbors)
阅读Python统计数据 - p值,相关性,T检验,KS检验
7。K-Means k-Means是一种无监督算法,可以解决聚类问题。它使用许多集群对数据进行分类。类中的数据点与同类组是同构的和异构的。
将numpy导入为np 将matplotlib.pyplot导入为plt 来自matplotlib导入样式 风格。使用('ggplot' ) 来自sklearn.cluster导入KMeans X = [ 1 ,5 ,1 0.5 ,8 ,1 ,9 ] Y = [ 2 ,8 ,1.7 ,6 ,0 0.2 ,12 ] plt。散射(x,y ) <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection对象位于0x0642AF30>
x = np。阵列([ [ 1 ,2 ] ,[ 5 ,8 ] ,[ 1.5 ,1 0.8 ] ,[ 8 ,8 ] ,[ 1 ,0 0.6 ] ,[ 9 ,11 ] ] ) kmeans = KMeans (n_clusters = 2 ) kmeans。适合(x ) KMeans(algorithm ='auto',copy_x = True,init ='k-means ++',max_iter = 300,
n_clusters = 2,n_init = 10,n_jobs = 1,precompute_distances ='auto',
random_state =无,tol = 0.0001,verbose = 0)
centroids = kmeans.cluster_centers_ labels = kmeans.labels_ 质心 数组([[1.16666667,1.46666667],
标签 数组([0,1,0,1,0,1])
colors = [ 'g。' ,'r。' ,'c。' ,'呃。' ] for i in range (len (x )): print (x [ i ] ,labels [ i ] ) PLT。plot (x [ i ] [ 0 ] ,x [ i ] [ 1 ] ,colors [ labels [ i ] ] ,markersize = 10 ) [1。2.] 0
[5。8.] 1
[1.5 1.8] 0
[8。8.] 1
[1。0.6] 0
[9. 11.] 1
plt。scatter (centroids [ :,0 ] ,centroids [ :,1 ] ,marker = 'x' ,s = 150 ,linewidths = 5 ,zorder = 10 ) <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection对象位于0x043B14D0>
plt。show () 8种顶级Python机器学习算法-你必须学习 8。Random Forest Random Forest是决策树的集合。为了根据其属性对每个新对象进行分类,树投票给类 - 每个树提供一个分类。投票最多的分类在Random
将numpy导入为np 将pylab导入为pl x = np.random。均匀的(1 ,100 ,1000 ) y = np。log (x )+ np.random。正常(0 ,。3 ,1000 ) pl。scatter (x,y,s = 1 ,label = 'log(x)with noise' ) <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection对象,位于0x0434EC50>
pl。情节(NP。人气指数(1 ,100 ),NP。日志(NP。人气指数(1 ,100 ))中,c = 'B' ,标记= '日志(x)的函数真' ) [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D对象位于0x0434EB30>]
pl。xlabel ('x' ) 文本(0.5,0, 'X')
pl。ylabel ('f(x)= log(x)' ) 文本(0,0.5, 'F(X)=日志(X)')
pl。传奇(loc = 'best' ) <matplotlib.legend.Legend对象,位于0x04386450>
pl。标题('基本日志功能' ) 文字(0.5,1,'基本日志功能')
pl。show () 8种顶级Python机器学习算法-你必须学习 Python机器学习算法 -
来自sklearn.datasets import load_iris 来自sklearn.ensemble导入RandomForestClassifier 将pandas导入为pd 将numpy导入为np iris = load_iris () df = pd。DataFrame (iris.data,columns = iris.feature_names ) df [ 'is_train' ] = np.random。均匀的(0 ,1 ,LEN (DF ))<=。75 df [ 'species' ] = pd.Categorical。from_codes (iris.target,iris.target_names ) df。头() 萼片长度(厘米)萼片宽度(厘米)... is_train物种
0 5.1 3.5 ...真正的setosa
1 4.9 3.0 ...真正的setosa
2 4.7 3.2 ...真正的setosa
3 4.6 3.1 ...真正的setosa
4 5.0 3.6 ...假setosa
[5行x 6列]
train,test = df [ df [ 'is_train' ] == True ] ,df [ df [ 'is_train' ] == False ] features = df.columns [ :4 ] clf = RandomForestClassifier (n_jobs = 2 ) y,_ = pd。factorize (train [ 'species' ] ) clf。适合(火车[ 功能] ,y ) RandomForestClassifier(bootstrap = True,class_weight = None,criterion ='gini',
max_depth =无,max_features ='auto',max_leaf_nodes =无,
min_impurity_decrease = 0.0,min_impurity_split =无,
min_samples_leaf = 1,min_samples_split = 2,
min_weight_fraction_leaf = 0.0,n_estimators = 10,n_jobs = 2,
oob_score = False,random_state = None,verbose = 0,
warm_start = FALSE)
preds = iris.target_names [ clf。预测(测试[ 特征] )] pd。交叉表(test [ 'species' ] ,preds,rownames = [ 'actual' ] ,colnames = [ 'preds' ] ) preds setosa versicolor virginica
setosa 12 0 0
versicolor 0 17 2
virginica 0 1 15
因此,今天我们讨论了八个重要的Python机器学习算法。您认为哪一个最具潜力?希望大家多多关注,更多精彩的文章带给大家! 大家对大数据感兴趣的可以关注我的微信公众号:大数据技术工程师
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